
Caterpillar Game With Python

Caterpillar Game with Python

If all this coding has worked up your appetite, you’re not alone—the star of this project is a hungry caterpillar. Using Python’s turtle module, you’ll find out how to animate game characters and control them on screen with the keyboard.

What happens

You use the four arrow keys to steer a caterpillar around the screen and make it “eat” leaves. Each leaf gives you a point, but it also makes the caterpillar bigger and faster, making the game harder. Keep the caterpillar inside the game window, or the game’s over!

How it works

This project uses two main turtles: one to draw the caterpillar and one to draw the leaves. The code places each new leaf at a random location. When the program detects that a leaf has been eaten, the variables storing the score, the speed of the caterpillar, and its length are increased. A function figures out if the caterpillar has moved outside the window, which would signal the end of the game.

First steps

1.    Getting started

Open IDLE and create a new file. Save it as “”.

2.    Import the modules

Add these two import statements to tell Python that you need the turtle and random modules. The third line sets the background color for the game window.

3.    Create a caterpillar turtle

Now create the turtle that will become your caterpillar. Add the code shown here. It creates the turtle and sets its color, shape, and speed. The function caterpillar .penup() disables the turtle’s pen, allowing you to move the turtle around the screen without drawing a line along the way.

4.    Create a leaf turtle

Below the code for Step 3, type these lines to set up the second turtle, which will draw the leaves. The code uses a list of six coordinate pairs to draw a leaf shape. Once you tell the turtle about this shape, it can reuse the details to draw more leaves. A call to hideturtle here makes this turtle invisible on the screen.

5.    Add some text

Now set up two more turtles to add text to the game. One will display a message before the action starts, telling players to press the space bar to begin. The other will write the score in the corner of the window. Add these lines after the leaf turtle code.

6.    Main loop

Your turtles are now set up and ready to go. Let’s write the code that makes the game come to life.

7.    Placeholder functions

You can put off defining a function until later by using the pass keyword. Under the code for the turtles, add the following placeholders for functions that you’ll fill with code in later steps.

8.    Game starter

After the four placeholder functions comes the start_game() function, which sets up some variables and prepares the screen before the main animation loop begins. You’ll add the code for the main loop, which forms the rest of this function, in the next step.

9.    Get moving

The main loop moves the caterpillar forward slightly, before performing two checks. It first checks if the caterpillar has reached the leaf. If the leaf has been eaten, the score increases, a new leaf gets drawn, and the caterpillar gets longer and faster. The loop then checks if the caterpillar has left the window—if so, the
game’s over. Add the main loop below the code you typed in Step 7.

10.   Bind and listen

Now put these lines below the function you’ve just created. The onkey() function
binds the space bar to start_game(), so you can delay the start until the player
presses space. The listen() function allows the program to receive signals from
the keyboard.

11.   Test your code

Run the program. If your code is correct, you should see the caterpillar moving
after you press the space bar. Eventually, it should crawl off the screen. If the program doesn’t work, check your code carefully for bugs.

12.   Filling in the blanks

It’s time to replace pass in the placeholder functions with actual code. After adding the code for each function, run the game to see what difference it makes.

13.   Stay inside

Fill the outside_window() function with this code. First it calculates the position of each wall. Then it asks the caterpillar for its current position. By comparing the caterpillar’s coordinates with the coordinates of the walls, it can tell whether the
caterpillar has left the window. Run the program to check the function works—the caterpillar should stop when it reaches the edge.


When the caterpillar has left the screen, display a message to tell the player the game has ended. Fill in the game_over() function with this code. When called, the function will hide the caterpillar and leaf, and write “GAME OVER!” on the screen.

14.   Show the score

The function display_score() instructs the score turtle to rewrite the score, putting the latest total on the screen. This function is called whenever the caterpillar reaches a leaf.

15.   A new leaf

When a leaf is reached, the function place_leaf() is called to move the leaf to a new, random location. It chooses two random numbers between –200 and 200.
These numbers become the x and y coordinates for the next leaf.

16.   Turning the caterpillar

Next, to connect the keyboard keys to the caterpillar, add four new direction functions after the start_game() function. To make this game a little trickier, the caterpillar can only make 90-degree turns. As a result, each function first checks to see which way the caterpillar is moving before altering its course. If the caterpillar’s going the wrong way, the function uses setheading() to make it face the right direction.

17.   Listening for presses

Finally, use onkey() to link the direction functions to the keyboard keys. Add these lines after the onkey() call you made in Step 9. With the steering code in place, the game’s complete. Have fun playing and finding out your highest score!


import random
import turtle as t
caterpillar = t.Turtle()
leaf = t.Turtle()
leaf_shape = ((0, 0), (14, 2), (18, 6), (20, 20), (6, 18), (2, 14))
t.register_shape('leaf', leaf_shape)
game_started = False
text_turtle = t.Turtle()
text_turtle.write('Press SPACE to start', align='center', font=('Arial', 16, 'bold'))
score_turtle = t.Turtle()

def outside_window():
    left_wall = –t.window_width() / 2
    right_wall = t.window_width() / 2
    top_wall = t.window_height() / 2
    bottom_wall = –t.window_height() / 2
    (x, y) = caterpillar.pos()
    outside = \
            x< left_wall or \
            x> right_wall or \
            y< bottom_wall or \
            y> top_wall
    return outside

def game_over():
    t.write('GAME OVER!', align='center', font=('Arial', 30, 'normal'))

def display_score(current_score):
    x = (t.window_width() / 2) – 50
    y = (t.window_height() / 2) – 50
    score_turtle.setpos(x, y)
    score_turtle.write(str(current_score), align='right', font=('Arial', 40, 'bold'))
def place_leaf():
    leaf.setx(random.randint(–200, 200))

    leaf.sety(random.randint(–200, 200))

def start_game():
    global game_started
    if game_started:
    game_started = True

    score = 0
    caterpillar_speed = 2
    caterpillar_length = 3
    caterpillar.shapesize(1, caterpillar_length, 1)

    while True:
        if caterpillar.distance(leaf) < 20:
            caterpillar_length = caterpillar_length + 1
            caterpillar.shapesize(1, caterpillar_length, 1)
            caterpillar_speed = caterpillar_speed + 1
            score = score + 10
        if outside_window():

def move_up():
    if caterpillar.heading() == 0 or caterpillar.heading() == 180:

def move_down():
    if caterpillar.heading() == 0 or caterpillar.heading() == 180:

def move_left():
    if caterpillar.heading() == 90 or caterpillar.heading() == 270:

def move_right():
    if caterpillar.heading() == 90 or caterpillar.heading() == 270:
t.onkey(start_game, 'space')
t.onkey(move_up, 'Up')
t.onkey(move_right, 'Right')
t.onkey(move_down, 'Down')
t.onkey(move_left, 'Left')

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