
Applications of Artificial Intelligence In Real World

There are so many amazing ways Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are used behind the scence to impact our every day lives.

When you hear news about) Artificial Intelligence (Al, it might be easy to assume it has nothing to do with you. You might imagine that artificial intelligence is only something the big tech giants are focused on,and that Al doesn't impact your everyday life. In reality, artificial intelligence is encountered by most people from morning until night.

Beyond our quantum computing conundrum conundrum,today's so called A.l. systems are merely advanced machine  learning software with extensive behavioral algorithms that adapt themselves to our likes and dislikes. While extremely useful,these machines aren't getting smarter in the existential sense, but they are improving their skills and usefulness based on a large data set.

1.  Security and Surveillance 

While we can all debate the ethice of using a broad surveillance system, there's no denying the fact that it is being used and Al is playing a big part in that. It is not possible for humans to keep monitoring multiple monitors with feeds from hundreds if not thousands of cameras at the same time, and hence, using Al makes perfect sense.
With technologies like object recognition and facial recognition getting better and better every day, it won't be long when all the security camera feeds are being monitored by an Al and not a human. While there's still time before Al can be fully implemented, this is going to be our future.

2.  Smart Cars and Drones   

Talking about the Al, there is no better  and more prominent display of this technology than what smart car and drone manufacturers are doing with it.

if you don't own a Tesla you have no idea what you're missing. This is quite possibly one of the best cars ever made. Not only for the fact that it's received so many accolades, but because of its predictive capabilities, self driving features and sheer technological "coolness".
 Anyone that's into technology and cars needs to own a Tesla and these vehicles are only getting smarter and smarter thanks to their over the air updates.

3.  Alexa   

Alexa's rise to become the smart home's hub, has been somewhat meteoric. when Amazon first introduced Alexa, it took much of the worked by storm, However, it's usefulness and its uncanny ability to decipher speech from anywhere in the room has made it a revolutionary product that can help us scour the web for, schedule appointments, set alarms and a million other things, but also help power our smart homes and be a conduit for those that might have limited mobility.

4.  Open your phone with face ID

One of the first things many people do each morning is to reach for their smartphones. And, when your device gets unlocked using biometrics  such as with face ID, it's using artificial intelligence to enable that functionality.
Apple's Face ID can see in 3 D.
It lights up your face and places 30,000 invisible infrared dots on it and captures an image. It then uses machine learning algorithms to compare the scan of your face with what it has stored about your face to determine if the person trying to unlock the phone is you or not.
Apple states the chance of fooling Face ID is one in a million.

5.  Vehicle Recognition Identification 

Did you know that many of the traffic cameras around your city use Al to read license plates ?  Companies such as Plate Smart, Intelli Vision, and Sighthound,among others , use computer vision a form of Al that can see and understand images along with deep learning to turn conventional surveillance into vehicle monitoring .
This is a very important part of integrated traffic systems and also a big help to authorities as well, as surveillance videos are now searchable for specific plate numbers.
That'll make you think twice about blowing through that red light.

6.  Smart Home Devices 

Our homes are increasingly becoming "smart". Many of us now have "smart" thermostats such as the Nest that learn about our heating/cooling preferences and daily habits to adjust the temperature to our liking in time for our return home.
There are smart refrigerators that create lists for what you need based on what's no longer in your fridge, as well as offer wine recommendations that would go with your dinner. of course, smart appliances will continue to be more common.

7.  Banking 

There are many ways artificial intelligence is deployed in our banking system. It's highly involved in the security of our transactions and to detect fraud.
If you  deposit a check by scanning it with your phone, get a low balance alert, or even log on to your online banking account, Al is at work behind the scenes. If you visit a shop at lunch and purchase a new pair of pants, artificial intelligence will verify the purchase to determine if it's a "normal" transaction to either validate or decline the transaction for fear someone unauthorized is using your credit card.

8.  Robots 

The Roomba 980 model vacuum ( the one that cleans your floor on its own ) uses Al to scan a living area's size, look for objects that might be in the way and remember the best route for cleaning the carpet. The vacuum bot can also identify how much cleaning it needs to do based on the size of the room, repeating a cleaning cycle three times in smaller rooms or cleaning twice in a medium sized room.
And Restaurants are using Al driven robots to increase capacity and speed of food preparation and delivery.

9.  LinkedIn

Al  is used to used to help match candidates to jobs with the hopes of creating better employee - employer  matches.
On its talent blog, LinkedIn explains that they use "deeper insights into the behavior of applicants on LinkedIn " in order to " Predict not just who would apply to your job, but who would get hired..".

10.  Netflix 

At the end of the day, when it's time to kick back and relax, many of us turn to streaming services such as Netflix, The
company's recommendation engine is powered by artificial intelligence and uses your past viewing history to deliver suggestions for what you might want to watch ( including genres, actors, time periods and more ) . Its tool gets as specific as what time of day you were watching and what you traditionally like during that time frame . In fact, 80% of what we're watching is driven by Netflix's recommendations.
Soo, it will be hard to imagine any of our daily routines without the help of Al.

      "  Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. " 

                                                                                  -  Stephen Hawking

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