


1.    All classes have a function called?

A.    __init__

B.    __init__()

C.    init

D.    init()

Ans :    __init__()                                     

2.    What is Instantiation in terms of OOP terminology?

A.    Deleting an instance of class

B.    Modifying an instance of class

C.    Copying an instance of class

D.    Creating an instance of class

Ans :    Creating an instance of class          

3.     _____ is used to create an object.

A.    class

B.    constructor

C.    User-defined functions

D.    In-built functions

Ans :    constructor                                     

4.     What is setattr() used for?

A.    To access the attribute of the object

B.    To set an attribute

C.    To check if an attribute exists or not

D.    To delete an attribute

Ans :    To set an attribute                    

5.    To create a class, use the keyword?

A.    new

B.    except 

C.    class

D.    object

Ans :    Class                                       

6.    You can delete properties on objects by using the ______ keyword.

A.    delete

B.    dedl

C.    del

D.    drop

Ans :    del                                        

7.    A variable that is defined inside a method and belongs only to the current instance of a class is known as?

A.    Inheritance 

B.    Instance variable

C.    Function overloading

D.    Instantiation 

Ans :    Instance variable                  

8.     _____ represents an entity in the real world with its identity and behaviour.

A.    A method

B.    An object

C.    A class

D.    An operator

Ans :    An object                            

9.     What is getattr() used for?

A.    To access the attribute of the object

B.    To delete an attribute

C.    To check if an attribute exists or not

D.    To set an attribute

Ans :    To access the attribute of the object    

10.   The assignment of more than one function to a particular operator is _______

A.    Operator over-assignment

B.    Operator overriding

C.    Operator overloading

D.    Operator instance

Ans :    Operator overloading             

11.   What are the methods which begin and end with two underscore characters called?

A.    Special methods

B.    In-built methods

C.    User-defined methods

D.    Additional methods

Ans :    Special methods                    

12.   What is hasattr(obj,name) used for?

A.    To access the attribute of the object

B.    To delete an attribute

C.    To check if an attribute exists or not

D.    To set an attribute

Ans :    To check if an attribute exists or not    

13.   What does print(Test.__name__) display (assuming Test is the name of the class)?

A.    ()

B.    Exception is thrown

C.    Test

D.    __main__

Ans :    Test                                    

14.    __del__ method is used to destroy instances of a class.

A.    True

B.    False

Ans :    True                                  

15.   Special methods need to be explicitly called during object creation.

A.    True

B.    False

Ans :    False                                

16.    Which of the following is not a class method?

A.    Non-static

B.    Static

C.    Bounded

D.    Unbounded

Ans :    Non-static                        

17.    The class has a documentation string, which can be accessed via?

A.    ClassName

B.    ClassName __doc__

C.    __doc__

D.    ClassName.__doc__

Ans :    ClassName.__doc__    

18.   Which of the following statements is wrong about inheritance?

A.    Protected members of a class can be inherited

B.    The inheriting class is called a subclass

C.    Private members of a class can be inherited and accessed

D.    Inheritance is one of the features of OOP

Ans :    Private members of a class can be inherited and accessed    

19.   What will be the output of the following Python code?

class test:                             

     def __init__(self,a):         


       def display(self):              




A.    Runs normally, doesn’t display anything

B.    Displays 0, which is the automatic default value

C.    Error as one argument is required while creating the object

D.    Error as display function requires additional argument    

Ans :     Error as one argument is required while creating the object  

20.    What will be the output of the following Python code?

class Demo:                    

    def __init__(self):        


      def test(self):                


  obj = Demo()                    


A.    Exception is thrown

B.    __main__

C.    Demo

D.    test    

Ans :    __main__                              

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