
Top 20 AWS Cloud Essentials Interview Questions

Top 20 AWS Cloud Essentials Interview Questions

 1.  What is AWS, and what are its core services?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform offered by Amazon. It provides a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, databases, machine learning, analytics, and more

2.  Can you explain the different types of instances in EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)?

EC2 instances come in various types, such as T2, M5, C5, and more. Each type is optimized for specific use cases, with varying levels of CPU, memory, and storage resources.

3.  What is an Amazon S3 bucket, and what are its use cases?

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a scalable object storage service. It is used for storing and retrieving data, backups, static website hosting, and as a data repository for various applications.

4.  What is AWS Lambda, and how does it work?

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service. It runs code in response to events, automatically scaling and managing the compute resources required, making it suitable for microservices, data processing, and automation.

5.  What is Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), and why would you use it?

Amazon RDS is a managed relational database service that simplifies database setup, operation, and scaling. It's ideal for applications requiring relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server.

6.  How does Auto Scaling work in AWS, and why is it important?

Auto Scaling automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances based on traffic patterns to ensure high availability and cost optimization.

7.  Explain the differences between Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3.

EC2 provides scalable compute resources (virtual servers) while S3 offers scalable storage for objects. They serve different purposes within a cloud infrastructure.

8.  What is IAM (Identity and Access Management) in AWS, and why is it important?

IAM is AWS's service for managing access to resources securely. It allows you to control who can do what in your AWS account, ensuring security and compliance.

9.  How does CloudFormation work, and what is its purpose?

AWS CloudFormation is a service for infrastructure as code. It allows you to define and provision AWS infrastructure in a predictable and repeatable way using templates.

10.  Can you describe the key differences between AWS and Azure?

AWS and Azure are both major cloud providers, but they differ in services, pricing, and regions. AWS has a broader service offering, while Azure integrates well with Microsoft products.

11.  What is the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and why is it important?

The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides best practices for building secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for applications. It helps ensure your architecture is well-designed.

12.  How does AWS handle security, and what are some best practices for securing your resources on AWS?

AWS provides various security services, including IAM, VPC, and CloudTrail. Security best practices include enabling MFA, encryption, and regular security audits.

13.  What is Amazon VPC, and how does it help with network isolation?

Amazon VPC allows you to create isolated virtual networks within the AWS cloud, helping you control network traffic and secure resources.

14.  Explain the concept of AWS Availability Zones and Regions.

AWS Regions are geographic areas with multiple Availability Zones (data centers). Availability Zones provide redundancy, making applications highly available.

15.  What are AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail, and how do they differ?

CloudWatch is a monitoring service, while CloudTrail is an auditing and logging service. CloudWatch helps monitor AWS resources, while CloudTrail records API activity.

16.  Describe the benefits of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment and management of web applications. It automates infrastructure provisioning, making it easier to focus on application code.

17.  How can you move data to and from AWS? What are AWS data transfer services?

AWS offers various data transfer options, including Direct Connect, Snowball, and DataSync, to facilitate data movement into and out of the cloud.

18.  What are the different storage classes in Amazon S3, and when would you use each one?

S3 offers storage classes like STANDARD, INTELLIGENT_TIERING, and GLACIER. Selection depends on cost, access frequency, and durability requirements.

19.  What is AWS Elastic Load Balancing, and why is it important for high availability?

AWS Elastic Load Balancing distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances, enhancing application availability and fault tolerance.

20.  How does AWS handle disaster recovery, and what are the services available for this purpose?

AWS offers services like AWS Backup, AWS Disaster Recovery, and automated backup and snapshot features within various services to support disaster recovery planning and implementation.

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